Cavaliers, enterrement décoré et foyer du soldat
Other title(s): Cavalrymen, Burial, and Soldier's Home
Genre: Documentary
Year: 1917
Runtime: 00:04:17
Description: In Paris in 1917, cavalrymen march in the streets, a family follows a loved one's casket, Parisians bury Mr. Liard, and a soldier stands in front of a home.
Keywords: World War, 1914-1918 -- France / Military funerals / EFG1914 / World War I / Défilé militaire ; Enterrement ; Guerre 1914-1918 ; Paris
Provider: Centre nationale du cinéma et de l’image animée
Rights: In Copyright / Albert-Kahn musée et jardin départementaux - Département des Hauts-de-Seine
Colour: Black & White
Director: Unknown
Sound: Without sound
Document type:
Collection: Albert-Kahn musée et jardin départementaux - Département des Hauts-de-Seine
Language: fr